odd cafe is this snazzy little place in the middle of the desert. lying. it’s in greenside. right next to this other little snazzy place called openroom productions. now i know that these two places are two opposites. or perhaps not. they both attract cool, hungry people. the one for food and the other for music. music and food go together, right? yeah. i play music and eat. AT THE SAME TIME.


there’s nothing better than chilling at odd cafe on a lazy sunday afternoon, believe me. it’s even been rumoured to be the cure for hangovers! makes one feel all creative and upper-class and so. i mean, the people are quite nice, the art is rad and the food yummy. did i mention that you can buy the art displayed at odd cafe? yeah. i saw this lady gaga painting hanging there the other day. i started crying because i didn’t have the money. not really. but i almost cried. yeah.

go check out odd cafe’s blog here: http://oddcafe.wordpress.com/


mon:                           07:00 – 17:00

tues to sat:              07:00 – 23:00

sunday:                     08:00 – 15:00


email/  christina [at] oddcafe.co.za

call/  +27 11 486 3631

web/  http://www.oddcafe.co.za

address/ oDD Cafe, Shop 1, 116 Greenway Street, Greenside, Johannesburg, South Africa


stay classy, bitches!
